1. Your blog is a godsend! I have begun writing my own blog, and sometimes need help for the correct use of vocabulary. When I found your blog, I was elated! Thank you for your tireless work and dedication in providing your readers with such a helpful treasure chest of helps.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thulani Mthiya says:

    I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the educational resources downloaded from your blog. We always battle to buy from shops.

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  3. Karina E. Manzo Sánchez says:

    Thanks to this blog I learned that they exist a great variety of connectors and are very important in the academic environment. They serve to join sentences, complement and contradict sentences, state a cause or conclusion, etc. They help me relate correctly two or more ideas in written and oral form.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Karina E. Manzo Sánchez says:

    Thanks to this blog I learned that they exist a great variety of connectors and are very important in the academic environment. They serve to join sentences, complement and contradict sentences, state a cause or conclusion, etc. They help me relate correctly two or more ideas in written and oral form.

    Liked by 1 person

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